
ADEA Connect Ambassador Spotlight: Ms. Marla Laval

By Ms. Carolyn Vincent posted 11-01-2023 01:48 AM


Each month an ADEA Connect Ambassador will be highlighted based on their contributions to ADEA Connect. Learn more about ambassador responsibilities in the ADEA Connect Ambassador Overview.

Ms. Marla Laval is the Community Ambassador for the ADEA Section on Business and Financial Administration. Read more about Ms. Laval and her professional experience below.  


Say Hello to Ms. Marla Laval!

Director of Finance and Clinic Administration

Kansas City University College of Dental Medicine

What professional tips or advice would you like to share about your profession?

Make connections. Always know who you can trust to go to for advice or help and be that trustworthy person others can go to.

What is your #1 reason for becoming an ADEA member?

I appreciated the support I felt from the other members.

What has been the most rewarding experience of your career?

My most rewarding experience would be the people I have worked with and work with now. I have had and continue to have the privilege to work with and learn from so many extremely talented, creative, and kind people.

How has ADEA Connect been useful to you?

I enjoy the interesting articles and discussions. The notification of events is very helpful. 

What is your favorite hobby or place to travel?

I love to travel with my family and friends to new places that I have not been to before.
