
ADEA Connect Ambassador Spotlight: Dr. Khadry A. Galil

By Ms. Carolyn Vincent posted 03-03-2024 08:28 PM


Each month an ADEA Connect Ambassador will be highlighted based on their contributions to ADEA Connect. Learn more about ambassador responsibilities in the ADEA Connect Ambassador Overview.

Dr. Khadry A. Galil is the Community Ambassador for the ADEA Canadian Members Community . Read more about Dr. Galil and his professional experience below.   


Say Hello to Khadry Galil, D.D.S., Ph.D., FAGD, FADI

Dr. Galil
Professor of Medicine and Professor of Dentistry Institution

Western University Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry

What professional tips or advice would you like to share about your profession?

Remain at the forefront of advancements through ongoing education, emphasizing clear communication, ethical practice, and technological integration. In teaching, motivate students, acknowledge diverse learning styles, promote critical thinking, integrate current trends, and cultivate positive student relationships to create a conducive learning environment.

What is your #1 reason for becoming an ADEA member?

I became a member of ADEA during my Ph.D. studies in the seventies, drawn to its unique features as the only free organization that provided diverse opportunities. It granted access to professional development, facilitated networking within the dental education community, ensured staying current with industry trends, and allowed contributions to the progress of dental education.

What has been the most rewarding experience of your career?

One of the most fulfilling experiences in my career occurred when I, as an African Egyptian Nubian, was chosen to lead a groundbreaking project. This involved collaborating with a team from the University of Michigan, USA, and Alexandria, Egypt, to X-ray the royal Egyptian pharaoh in Cairo—an unprecedented initiative. Serving as co-director alongside Dr. Jim Harris from the University of Michigan, our team explored the causes of malocclusion and achieved the first-ever X-ray examination of the complete body of the renowned royal pharaohs. Presently, I am the sole surviving member of the Michigan-Alexandria expedition.

Furthermore, the recognition from my university, the University of Western Ontario in Canada, added a significant honor to my career. My research was acknowledged among the top 50 (fifty) researchers who made a lasting impact from the university's establishment in 1878 until the publication of the report in 2015. This acknowledgment serves as a testament to the significance and enduring influence of my contributions to the field of research.

How has ADEA Connect been useful to you?

ADEA Connect has significantly benefited my professional development by providing valuable insights from seasoned professionals, expanding my knowledge through essential workshops and seminars, and fostering a supportive community for collaborative discussions and mentorship opportunities. This impact extends beyond me; introducing my students to Connect has proven instrumental in their educational journey. The organization serves as a valuable educational resource for them, offering access to industry experts, informative workshops, and relevant publications. Connect's networking events have enabled my students to establish connections in the dental field, providing insights and potential mentorship.

Moreover, Connect has been supportive of my student's career development, offering job postings and guidance aligned with their dental aspirations. Observing the positive impact on my student's learning experiences and career paths reinforces my belief in Connect's value for individual professionals and the broader dental community. The organization's role in enhancing both my journey and that of the next generation of dental professionals is truly gratifying.

What is your favorite hobby or place to travel?

Exploring diverse cultures and connecting with people from around the world has been a transformative experience for me. I have had the opportunity to travel to more than thirty-five countries around the world, immersing myself in various traditions, languages, and ways of life. These experiences have not only broadened my perspective but have also enriched my understanding of the global community.

In addition to my love for travel, music has been a central part of my life. Rooted in my African Canadian Egyptian heritage, I have a deep passion for playing Latin rhythm instruments like the conga and timbales. Music, for me, is a universal language that transcends borders, and I find joy in creating and sharing rhythm wherever I go. Looking ahead, I am eager to continue my travels, exploring new countries, and further expanding my musical repertoire.
